Unit test your Django views

How to test views of a Django application?

Django's builtin test client is not suitable for unit testing! It performs system tests: it handles your views as a black box in a project's environment.

This article provides a recipe for developers to replace Django's builtin test client by smaller, fine-grained …

Introducing diecutter

Today, we initiated a proof-of-concept template generation service called diecutter:

  • at a given URL, there is a "template" resource;
  • post variables to resource's URL and receive the rendered string.

The resource is, basically, an engine (Jinja) and a template string.


The project is at a really early stage, but …

Essayez zc.buildout

zc.buildout est un outil de déploiement puissant : isolation, reproductibilité, extensibilité... Il semble pourtant relativement méconnu parmi les développeurs Django. Souffrirait-il de son apparente complexité ?

Voici une présentation de zc.buildout, un lightning-talk proposé lors de DjangoCon Toulouse 2012.

Le contenu de cette présentation a été intégré avec landslide + un …

Merging the right way

If, during a merge, you have to resolve conflicts on files you didn't change in your branch, then you maybe merged the wrong way. Yes, during a merge, direction matters. Here are some tips to figure it out and avoid some merge nightmares.

Apply your changes on top of other's …

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